Web 2 vs Web 3: The Difference


4 min read


There's a lot of buzz about the web right now; everyone wants to build on it; some see it as a revolution; others see it as a transition; still, others say it's just trash, and still others have no clue what it is and some know what is but don't know the difference between what we have now and what the new phase is.

How the Internet has evolved

Web 1.0

The first version of the Internet(Web 1.0) focused on search and reading, which meant that there was minimal interaction between users and content distribution. Web 1.0 was static, and most of the information was static.

The four essential features of a Web 1.0 site are, Sites that are static; The content is served from the server's file system; Pages are built using Server Side Includes (SSI) or the Common Gateway Interface (CGI); Elements on a page are positioned and aligned with the help of Frames and Tables.

Web 2.0

This is the stage of the web is where we are today; it is an improvement of Web 1.0. In this stage of the internet, in addition to reading and viewing information, users can also interact, contribute to, and create content with other users.

This stage of access allows for the creation, interaction, and collaboration, but there are also drawbacks. It is necessary to give our data to the big tech giants who monopolize and profit from it for us to enjoy the internet.

Web 2.0 development makes use of web browser technologies like AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. Hence it has an amazing user interface and experience.

We saw apps like Uber, Airbnb, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter rise to prominence. Social media networking, podcasting, and blogging also gained prominence through the app.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0(also known as Web3) is a dynamic, decentralized web that allows read-write-own access. Web 3 will extend the power of corporate internet behemoths to everyone on the internet. It is a version of the internet that works for everyone without the need for a third party.

Web3 is the internet's own native economy. You do not have to give them your data in order to earn money on the internet. You have complete ownership of your work and can trade it with other content providers using internet-native currencies (such as cryptocurrencies).

Consider Web3 to be a democratic internet in which no single entity has control over what happens to user data or content. The blockchain is available to everyone and is completely free to use. It can only be changed if a large number of people agree.

As Web3 advances, it aims to address the shortcomings of Web2 and Web1 and exploit the weaknesses of centralized approaches. Compared to Web2, Web3's decentralization offers a lot of advantages. One such advantage is improved privacy, security, and control over one's data.

Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

A quick glance at the major difference between web 2 and web 3:

  • Focus: Web 2 is focused on end-user experience while web 3 is focused on the user's privacy security and trust.

  • Data: Web 2 data is centralised and owned by a server whereas data is owned by an entity and shared through the server.

  • Driving Technology: Javascript and Ajax drive the web 2. Semantic web, AI is used on Web 3.

  • Applications:Web applications are created in web 2. Smart applications are created in Web 3.

Bottom Line

To keep things simple, keep in mind that naming conventions such as web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 should not be taken too seriously. If a website does not have web 3.0 capabilities, it does not mean it is no longer relevant. In the end, a small e-commerce site selling niche products may not have a business need for users to submit content or connect.

All three versions of the Internet, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0, are abstract concepts. It discusses the problems that developers (and users) encounter and how to go about solving them.

P.S: I'm learning about Web 3 from Blockgames, Nestcoin and Zuriteam